Thursday, November 2, 2017

Pickled Chard Stems


Pickled Chard Stems
David, 02 Nov 

There’s a certain movement afoot not only to make whatever you can from scratch (at some point, people will be forging their own cast iron skillets), as well as increased consciousness about anti-gaspillage, or not letting food go to waste.
I seem to be cooking or baking 24/7 and if I used up everything that came my way, from the whey used from making labneh (which could be used in soup, although I’d have to go shopping for vegetables and beans, then cut them up, then prepare it, then find room in my refrigerator, or freezer to store it), to the butter I accidentally melted when baking cookies in a jetlagged state the other day (which I turned into clarified butter), I’d need to dial those numbers up to 26/8. But I don’t have the power to add another hour to my day, or another day to my week, even though I’m thinking most of us could use an extra one of either, or both.
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